time from Israel
time from Israel
ป ๐
๐ธ๐ผ๐ด - "Connecting the World to ...
5 hours ago
The Sun is Changing in Front of our Eyes
This is not AI or CGI or anything else fake. This is an actual video, and
I know it's real because I've seen this happen before, many times, in other
8 hours ago
Living with Geulah
Rabbi Ori Strum - From Yearning for Redemption to Living Geulah Every Day -
How to Bring Geulah into Your Life
15 hours ago
Amalek: Sacrifice for Evil
*Amalek: Sacrifice for Evil**Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver*
(Continued from here.)
The trait of Amalek is different and far worse than the seven negative...
16 hours ago
Rabbi Richter: "Weaponizing The Hostages"
*27 Adar 5785*
*Special Note*: Tonight is recognized in Ramadan as "*The Night of Power*."
It is described as the holiest night of the year in Islam an...
20 hours ago
Bitachon 201 - Israel is Protected from Evil
We continue in perek 91 of Tehillim, now studying the 4th passuk, which
speaks of the amazing protection the people of Israel have from our enemies
when ...
1 day ago
The Nightingale Owns a Pruning Shears
Yes, it has been a very hard year. So I was looking for some really good
news that would seem to conform with a hard and fast Geulah circumstance
that ...
1 week ago
Tanya: A Roadmap to All 53 Chapters
In honor of Tu B'Shvat, The Garden of Tanya has just been released! Tanya
is the Torah Shebichtav โthe Written Torahโof Chassidus Chabad,...
1 month ago
October 7th by the Numbers and as a Sign
The tragedy and catastrophe of the October 7th Massacre, like everything
else, is hinted to in the Torah and Tanach. For example, as we're in the
Bein H...
7 months ago
The Oct. 7 attacks and the subsequent war in Gaza marked a significant
turning point for the Jewish community. These events catalyzed a...
1 year ago
The father does understand!
*Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev*, "The Defending Advocate of Israel," is
fondly remembered for his love and compassion for all Jews.
*Quick Fix*
1 year ago
Darkness implodes into light. * Tโfilla, dโveikus to Hashem, is a frequency
that transcends conflict. * The ultimate peace of Moshiach, Prince of Peace.
3 years ago
The New Lazer Beams at Lazerbeams.com
We have moved to a new, beautiful and much more spacious cyber home, your
address for good things only. Please visit us at lazerbeams.com - we look
3 years ago
Menachem Av: Not mourning, but yearning
We are standing at the threshold of the Era of Mashiach, at the threshold
of the beginning of the Redemption, and in the immediate future, it will be
5 years ago
Ma'ot Chitim โ "Wheat Money"
In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah recited at the Seder, we declare:
"All who are hungry, let them come and eat." Our nation is a singular
entity, an...
7 years ago
Update on Menachem
March 14, 2018
Menachem has been moved to a hospital in Jerusalem called
Misgav LaDoch for long term nursing care. If you are in Jerusalem he would
enjoy a...
7 years ago
The Straw Man Logical Fallacy
Abrahamโs Streimel
There is a cute saying that Abraham wore a streimel, a Hasidic โhatโ, and
before thinking that this is preposterous, pleas...
7 years ago
Daniel 12 - Math
A post in honor of Lag BaOmer.
I have previously posited the following regarding the prophecy at the end
of Daniel 12:
1. The 1290 days and 1335 days ...
7 years ago
The Children Are Talkingโฆ!
The children have spoken and are speaking again. Ten years ago a six
year-old boy revealed secrets of the Geulah, and they almost materialized.
But โalmost...
8 years ago
Eliayhuโs Mission
The Mishna is Edyut states that Eliyahu comes โnot to distance, not to
bring close, but to make shalom.โ The mishna is speaking about how Eliyahu
is going ...
9 years ago
Still here
Don't let our lack of public posts fool you, we are busier, more organized,
and more underground than ever.
We just no longer feel the need to update our...
9 years ago
#223 - The Policeman in Charge
It's true that I haven't had a chance to post in a long while, but today
marks the first day of the week of the first Parsha of the fifth and final
book of...
10 years ago
New Blog - Orach Chayim!
B"H! New post at our new blog, come see!
Orach Chayim
Way of Life - Jewish Life - Torah Insights - Current Events
11 years ago
My "tickets to emuna" story
I sent this story about what happened to me to Mr. Shmuel Greenbaum who
runs Partners in Kindness and he sent it out last month. Since I heard it's
good ...
11 years ago
Tikkun Chatzos Online
The following text of Tikkun Chatzos was provided by a reader who said he
searched and couldn't find Tikkun Chatzos online. He asked to put this up
for tho...
12 years ago
Anthony Hopkins Address
Anthony HopkinsHollywood ActorBirth Name: Anthony Philip HopkinsBirth Date:
December 31, 1937 at 9:15am-UTBirth Place: Margam, nr. Port Talbot, West
13 years ago
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14 years ago